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Pros and Cons of Playing Lottery

The practice of the lottery has both advantages and disadvantages in society due to many reasons. Let’s know some of them.


Quick money

One of the biggest advantages of the lottery system is that it gives money to people very quickly. You don’t need to wait for long. Just you need to purchase one lottery ticket and nothing else. That is the reason many people seek the chance and try their luck to win the lottery. 

However, the fact is that the same person can not win the lottery too many times. The lottery system is very popular among the people who want to get huge and quick money just after buying some lottery tickets. Once, they win it, instantly or just after one or two days, they are given the whole amount of winning, either in cash or cheque.

No need to work

In the world, people keep searching for many types of jobs to earn good money. However, it’s a fact that no job can give you any money or even a single penny without doing any sort of work. The lottery system is very different. Here, you don’t need to do even a small piece of work. 

Due to this point, it attracts such people, who are busy in some other work or business and still want to get some more money. They simply just keep purchasing the lottery tickets and nothing else. Once they win the prize, they just need to receive it and just this they have to do, nothing else.

pros and cons of lottery


Along with the advantages, there are many disadvantages, which people have to face in the lottery system. Let’s know some of them.

Loss of too much money just for one win

As we discussed above that it provides huge money and that is too without doing any work, many people get attracted to it. They want to get that big prize, however, it doesn’t always happen.  Most of the time and most of the people have to face the loss of the ticket cost. They keep thinking that if not now, in the next purchase of the tickets they will win the prize. They keep thinking like this and in this way they lose too much money that sometimes it hits their economical condition very badly too.

Bad image and relations with family members

We all know that people who are practicing the purchasing of lottery tickets or he is involved in the business of lottery in any form, are not considered good in the society of many places. At those places, it is also considered as some sort of illegal activities and hence people do all the activities of it in a hidden way. These all things defame the reputation of the person in the family and in the society as well. Nobody wants to keep terms with such a person and in some cases, they have to get arrested also for doing such activities.

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